I was a bit baffled when looking at this label. Really? This is what I would be getting when asking for a flapjack in the UK?
This lovely church, St, Georges in Leeds, is an old church with beautiful stain class windows. On Sunday evenings though, there is a very modern group of singers on the "stage." The song might be an old hymn or a contemporary worship song. The message is always about loving God and the city where we are. My last two Sundays at this church have truly been a blessing!
Can you see the rain drops? The gray sky? Yes, it is a bit depressing when it is accompanied with cold weather. This morning it is 52 degrees here. I have had handful of partly sunny days while here, but a few more are forcasted before I leave for home. Carrying an umbrella with me has truly become a necessity.
At home I don't really have any hills. Here I cannot avoid them. The other day (when it was not raining) walked to meet my daughter's friend. All the way there, well almost, it was downhill. On the way back, however, it was all uphill. Needless to say, I could soon walk up a bigger hill (or do they call that a mountain)!