No wedding would be perfect without flowers. There were flowers on the tables at the reception. Flowers decorated the tables at the rehearsal dinner as well. An of course, the bride carries her bouquet of roses just like the bridesmaids. Well, the brides bouquet was actually bigger (and heavier) than the others.
This past Saturday was my nephew Daniel's wedding. He was marrying Julia. I was looking forward to the wedding. I even had a task: take care of the children in the wedding party (with the help of my daughter). I was a little doubtful that the 2 1/2 and 1 year old would sit together in the wagon that the 6 year old would pull. But to my surprise, the older one was perfectly happy to be pulled in the wagon--maybe the mints that we gave her also helped. The younger one obviously believed that she would see more if her father carried her to the front and then gave her to her grandmother--as she sat in the front row.
There was so much joy, happiness and laughter at the wedding.
At this wedding, some of the happiest people were the groom's grandparents. Over 100 years of marriage between the two couples. Could anyone ask for more?