Thursday, August 14, 2014

Joy Comes in the Morning

My title for this post comes from an old song, It really seems so fitting to the JOY that I am writing about today. The photo is one that I took during the super moon one morning when I was still awake. Light in the darkness will bring such JOY!

My father-in-law has been at a rehabilitation center for the last month after major surgery. He is 84. His recover has been slow, but he is getting ready to go home in a few days. While he has been at the rehab center, he has had some difficult evenings. Feeling disoriented and not really living in the present. But as the morning comes, he is again determined to complete his therapy and get stronger in order to be able to go home.

During these few weeks, I have had the chance to spend some time with him. It really has been my privilege and JOY to spend time with him. We have played Skipbo cards, listened to Christian music on his television, talked about good memories, and pondered about famous people passing away and their reasons. We have laughed! Some because of fun things that have happened to somebody we know (maybe one of the great grandkids), stories about the past or my student stories. JOY has never been far from our thoughts!

My father-in-law loves Gaither music. I think he has all the videos or DVDs that they have ever made. I would prefer a little different kind of Christian music, but on Sunday dad (that is how I have always called my father-in-law) and I sat in his room and listened the Gaithers sing music recorded in an old chapel. This brought JOY to dad. And if listening to these songs brought JOY to him, then it was JOY that I would happily embrace.

Many times JOY is not about what I want, but seeing others happy, will bring so much more JOY into my life! Sharing in the JOY of others, brings JOY into my life. So today, rejoice in the fact that nothing can separate us from God's love. Not even the confusion that evenings or age might bring to us. We can always find JOY in the morning.

Thank you Holly for helping us to share truths about our spiritual journey with others. As we share the JOY with others, we are also filled with more JOY.
Check out Holly's post and read more posts about JOY, or even better, link your post at Holly's site.

Holly's Blog


  1. "We can always find JOY in the morning." YES!!!! I agree that joy for me often comes from seeing those around me happy! Thanks for the post...I LOVE the video at the end! So joy-FULL!! :)

    1. JOY came to visit today as well! Let's keep it coming, and maybe even looking for it each morning!

  2. I love the idea of finding joy in the morning and all that it symbolizes. I loved reading about the time you're spending with your father-in-law. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about joy and linking up!

    1. There is so much JOY; sometimes we just need to look for it a little harder!

  3. My favorite line in the post is the last one. "As we share joy with others, we are also filled with more joy." Sharing your story about your father-in-law is a true example of that. Joy is a gift that can be both given and received. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a special gift you are to your father-in-law. I'm sure he enjoys your time together. Joy is made to be shared.


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