Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Life's Treasures

I bought a gift card for a needy family;
does this make me a better person?
I hugged somebody at church today
even though I am naturally not a hugging person.
I went to help serve a dinner for the needy;
I even helped feed a man who struggles to eat by himself.
I answered some e-mails;
tried to send words of encouragements.
Then I sat down in my comfy chair, and looked around:
I have stuff--don't we all.
Do I need all the stuff that I have around me?
I gather a few things to take as extra white elephant gifts on Tuesday.
Will I miss those items?
Absolutely NOT!
Why did I then hold onto them so long?
Feeling good?
I really don't  know.
But, what I do know is this:
there is a family at school that need Christmas presents
and I need to buy wrapping paper for their gifts.
I do know that when I listen to President Obama 
share his thought about Sandy Hook,
I need to remember to show love to my students;
I'll never know what words they will actually hear me say.
Hopefully, those words will be the words of
encouragement and  love.
Caring, challenging, and then again
loving, both the small and the big students,
that is my mission today.

Our pastor has challenged us this month to look at how we spend our time and money. He has also made us re-evaluate our possessions for their importance. How do I need to respond? This is my work in process.


  1. You are right. It is not about the things, but about the love, grace and mercy of our Lord, and how we can show that in our lives. Continue the mission throughout your years. God bless you and yours! This is not today's post, but one that tells how we got closer to "love" and farther from "things". http://mainelywrite.blogspot.com/2012/12/oh-christmas-tree.html

    1. Donna, your experience was definitely more dramatic than mine. So glad you came out of with your faith in-tact, or maybe even stronger. God's grace is essential to me as I find myself often falling short of what I intended...

  2. Have you heard about 26 Acts of Kindness? http://todaynews.today.com/_news/2012/12/18/15975855-26acts-of-kindness-you-can-do-right-now?lite
    Sounds like you are already on your way. We just started today.

    1. Hadn't heard about them before, but now I have some cards already made! Maybe a surprise for someone at work tomorrow. Thanks Stacey!

  3. "I bought"...sometimes we stopo right here, it can be easier to just buy something or give money than become personally involved with others. You took through so many other steps we can take..."hugging, serving, helping, encouraging, asking ourselves if we need so much stuff" It's so important that you choose to act on what you know instead of getting stuck on what you jsut don't know. I love what you said about interacting with students, especially "caring, challenging, then again loving." I want to adopt those words in my relationships with my students.

    I also like the link to 26 Acts of Kindness Stacey shared. There is so much we can do to connect with others and make a difference, both for them and ourselves.

    1. I've really been evaluating the language I use in the classroom. Does it send a loving message while still being firm? And yes, 26 Acts of Kindness will definitely be on my radar!

  4. I so relate to all you have written. The need to apply my faith beliefs to my faith acts. Thank you for helping me remember.


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