Saturday, November 9, 2013

Celebrating Young ESL Students

Discover. Play. Build.

My struggling third and fourth grade ESL students are getting their vowel sounds right!! This is a milestone and definitely worth celebrating! It was not long ago when M. could not even imagine putting two different sounds together. Now, look at his pile of words that he reads fluently!

Here is another pile of words. A. has been really improving fast. In the last couple of months, a new light is shining in his eyes when he is reading. There is new interest in words and reading. He is becoming more fluent!

Another A. has big issues when it comes to learning. He had never attended school before coming to America in 3rd grade. The fact that he is finally able to rad this many words, and with the correct vowel sounds, feels like a miracle!

So today, I celebrate my young ESL students. They have have shown stamina and persistence in their learning. They are determined to learn! They are determined to become fluent in every aspect of English language!


  1. Isn't it fun to pause and celebrate the growth our students are making? I love the visuals showing the words they've mastered.

  2. Yay for your kids! It is amazing how much is learned in such a short time. They should be proud too!

  3. Exciting! Bravo! Having a celebration with them? Proud of them and you!

  4. What a challenge these young students face, and to already be progressing is wonderful! Terrific to hear your celebration of them, for them!

  5. Hurray for growth! I'll bet your little guys (and their teacher!) love looking at those growing piles of known words!

  6. i can't imagine how rewarding it must be to see students getting it. how awesome of them to have a teacher like you!

  7. I love celebrating student growth! Each small step for ESL students deserves a cheer. Usually the greatest growth happens for students who want to learn and are willing to work hard. You clearly have a young learner like that.


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