Tuesday, August 14, 2012

End of Summer Vacation Thoughts

In the beginning of my vacation I had written a poem/list of things that I would like to accomplish this summer. Now I have five more days before going back to school--what have I really accomplished?

Summer thoughts

What are my plans for this summer?

I want to write, so I joined the Teachers Write Virtual Writing Seminar.
I did really well before leaving for Finland, but no so since then. I am hoping that the assignments will still be on the blog, so that I can do them later on.
I want to clean my basement, so I am avoiding going down there.
I have a plan for this, and I will start taking stuff back to school on Monday.  Basement should look a lot different in a week.
I want to see friends that I have not seen in a few years, so I am flying solo first time in over 20 years.
I want to read more "teacher" professional books, so I have them piled on a table in the living room--I am still waiting for inspiration to open one of then hit me.
I have started doing this!
I want to eat healthy, so I had french toast for dinner and then ate some cherries and raspberries to make me feel better.
Well, I think I have done this partly. Hoping to do better once I am back on schedule--in five days!

I want to keep watching TV, so I finally had to buy a digitally equipped TV.
I did watch the Olympics!
I want to watch some new shows, so I am hooked on hulu.com
This is a lot easier when only one at the house us streaming shows on the computer.
I want to buy some new clothes for my summer trip, so I am searching for coupons.
No coupons, but sales!
I want to go to sauna, so I am flying across the Atlantic.
Oh Yes!
I want to improve my writing, so I am writing more, and thinking about my long term goals regarding writing.
Used my journal, but I have done more thinking. I have read blogs about writer's workshop and trying to figure out how to make it work better for my Sheltered English class in high school.

I want to spend time with my daughter before she moves away.
I want to watch funny movies and laugh, so that I can live longer.
I want to watch the sun rise with a great cup of coffee, so that I do not waste any time during this summer.
I want read a romance novel, so that I can be transported to a different world.
I want to search for a deeper reason to serve, so that I can remember that I am part of a greater community that works together to help others.
I want to remember that everything has a purpose.
I want to spend time by the lake and just be amazed by the beauty of creation!
YES! Thank you to my wonderful friends in Finland, and a surprise board meting at a members house by a lake here in the US.

I believe I also accomplished many more things that never made my list in the first place; like meeting Terje in Estonia!


  1. What a list! I love the update. Enjoy the shift in seasons (and the clean basement!).

  2. Wonderful that you accomplished so many things on your goal list - especially those things that were relaxing and relationship building.

  3. Seems to me your summer was a success! I love the way you revisited each of your "to do's" and the update.

  4. It's great that you could write big red "YES" after everything in the last third of your list. It translates in to a wonderful summer. I hope that the list you create for the school year will also bring a feeling of accomplishment and enjoyment. Plus some surprises.

    1. Great idea Terje! A list for the school year....I just might have to do that!

  5. I love the idea of revisiting your goals -- how wonderful that you were able to say YES! to so many of them! :-) I would love to hear your ideas about Writer's Workshop in high school ESL, since that's what I'll be teaching this year. I'm glad you had such a fantastic summer!

    1. I am going back to school next week, and at that time I will find out what our new (?) curriculum looks like for this year. I would love to exchange ideas! I just found out that my 9th grade Sheltered English class will be all boys!!!

  6. Yay, glad you were able to accomplish so much! Happy back to school!

  7. Fun update! I think you had a wonderful summer. Hope this new school year will hold just as much as the summer of growth and enjoyment of life.

    1. Thank you! I am sure hoping for continued growth and enjoyment! New students, new challenges, new colleagues, new curriculum, and the list goes on. But let's not forget the joy that new challenges bring!

  8. You had a very successful summer! You pass into the next year with flying colors!


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