Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer thoughts

What are my plans for this summer?

I want to write, so I joined the Teachers Write Virtual Writing Seminar.
I want to clean my basement, so I am avoiding going down there.
I want to see friends that I have not seen in a few years, so I am flying solo first time in over 20 years.
I want to read more "teacher" professional books, so I have them piled on a table in the living room--I am still waiting for inspiration to open one of then hit me.
I want to eat healthy, so I had french toast for dinner and then ate some cherries and raspberries to make me feel better.

I want to keep watching TV, so I finally had to buy a digitally equipped TV.
I want to watch some new shows, so I am hooked on hulu.com
I want to buy some new clothes for my summer trip, so I am searching for coupons.
I want to go to sauna, so I am flying across the Atlantic.
I want to improve my writing, so I am writing more, and thinking about my long term goals regarding writing.
I want to think about the next school year, so that I can make plans how I can do more planning this summer.

I want to spend time with my daughter before she moves away.
I want to watch funny movies and laugh, so that I can live longer.
I want to watch the sun rise with a great cup of coffee, so that I do not waste any time during this summer.
I want read a romance novel, so that I can be transported to a different world.
I want to search for a deeper reason to serve, so that I can remember that I am part of a greater community that works together to help others.
I want to remember that everything has a purpose.
I want to spend time by the lake and just be amazed by the beauty of creation!


  1. This made me smile. I have a list a mile-long, too. But mostly I just want to ENJOY summer! Hope you enjoy yours...

  2. I want to clean my garage (which right now holds junk, not the car) the way you want to clean your basement. My mom wanted to borrow something that was out there so i was forced to go out there.

    I eat healthy about the same way you do.

    Those made me smile...but I really liked your more serious goals, too. Spending time with my daughter, who heads to college in
    August, is high on my list. And I aspire to serve, to seek a purposeful life, and to appreciate God's beautiful creation.

    Thanks for a good list!

  3. Thank you for your list. I want to hear at the end of the summer what you did :)

    1. Pamela, I hope to start my end of the summer list with these words: "I accomplished this" I am hopeful!

  4. Your life sounds like mine! I have piles of professional books, and a garage that desperately needs cleaning, but that stuff is not getting done. And like you, I'm trying to spend time with my family- except it's my son moving away! Savor, savor, savor, those small moments!

  5. Wow, you have a great list of plans! I hope you are able to get many thing done but at the same time enjoy resting and relaxing. :)

  6. Sounds like you are on your way to a wonderful summer! (the basement and eating healthy lines cracked me up!). Like you, I have a big pile of teaching books that I just can't get into yet... I decided I would save those for later in the summer and read some FUN books first! :). After all, who wants to spend all summer in school mode? Not me!

  7. I hope that you get all the things done on your list and enjoy every single one of them (including the basement cleaning.)

  8. Jaana,
    I love your summer thoughts and that you shared WHY you want to do the things on your list. Your list sounds a lot like the list I have in my head. It's not written down in detail like yours but we have a lot of the same things in common. Enjoy your summer and doing all the things on you list.

  9. Love this list, great things to set your sites on! I too love to look at nature's beauty and just be amazed. I hope you get through all of these!


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