Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Pondering my OLW

DISCOVER is my One Little Word for this year.
Have I been welcoming to my companion on this journey?
Or are we only acquaintances?
Have I introduced OLW to any of my friends?
Hmmmm, I must ponder....

In January everyone was talking about their OLW
There were sparks, listening and enduring.
Faith and restore were among these new friends.
Strawberry and red came along with
be and purge.

I had a list of ideas I wanted to discover:
my creator
new places
artsy side of me
new knowledge

I have discovered new things about my creator
through people who write about him
I know he answers prayers
I have seen it happen just last week.

The new place a couple of weeks ago
was the bowling alley.
It was old but new fun!
I'm hoping for new, new places later this year.

My markers and notebook are helping me to
practice the artsy side of me.
I get to choose the colors to suit my mood.
I dedicate each page to whatever I want.
I have no limits or directions;
I am listening to the creative spirit inside me.

Through this March Slice of Life Writing Challenge
I have discovered new blogs
I have had new comments
and I've met new people.
I wonder what else I will discover in the next two weeks?

How are your life and your OLW working together? Do you have stories to tell?


  1. My OLW this year is less. Pondering it in many areas of life as well. I like how you've broken your OLW into groupings or categories and think maybe I need to do that in a more concrete way for myself.

    1. Please write about your OLW! I would love to read.

  2. I love discover as a OLW!! It holds so much potential. I can't believe we both wrote about our OLW today. Also, you've mentioned your notebook a couple of times...and I'm dying to see pictures!!! I'm glad we have discovered a new friendship through blogging! Have a great day!

    1. Every day I am thinking about my notebook, but other slices keep pushing themselves to the front line.

  3. DISCOVER is such a great OLW. It allows you to address your list, but isn't limited to them. This whole SOLSC is a journey of discovery, isn't it.

  4. I think you have embraced your word and it leads you to many discoveries in all aspects of your life. I am looking for the sweet part of life this year.

  5. I love the word discover as a OLW.

    You've inspired me to actually be concrete about the different categories in which your OLW fits. I actually pray about the different categories where my word applies, but have never put it into writing.

    1. Please write about your OLW! I love reading how others connect their daily lives with their OLW.

  6. I've learned that Strong doesn't always mean charge ahead and be industrious. (Although that mentality helped in January and February when we could hardly move it was so cold!) I'm learning, through faith, that it takes strength to say, "I choose to stay with my family." "I choose quiet." As a teacher, this is a hard thing to do. It's taken a certain amount of strength. Discover is a great word! I'm adding that to a list for next year, to see if it works out! Great post. Thanks for sharing!

  7. It sounds like your word is really leading you to new discoveries. May they continue.

  8. Our OLWs discover and reach are similar in many ways. Reaching out and discovering new possibilities go hand in hand. I need to reflect on my OLW like you have to see just how this OLW is working in my life. Thanks for the reminder. Have a wonderful day!

    1. Reflecting is really good! It makes me see the positiveness!

  9. I love the concept of having a "OLW." This is a relatively new concept to me this year. I had never heard of it before I was introduced to it by my TESOL field experience cooperating teacher, but it is something I hope to do for years to come. My word for this year is "persist" (even though I didn't come up with that until this month).

    "Discover" is a wonderful OLW! Sounds like you have already been discovering quite a bit and we are only 3 months into the year. That's awesome! =)

    1. So glad to hear that you discovered OLW! Persist is a great word! How is it working for you?

  10. Discover is a wonderful word for this year. Mine is embrace - and I am trying to embraced new things.

    1. You embrace new things; I would like to discover new things!

  11. Discover is an amazing word that opens life to great possibilities, focusing and zooming in also in details and small moments. My word this year is joy. And I'm finding the joy in things I've found challenging before. Isn't that the journey? Thanks for sharing and happy writing!

  12. I read your post this morning but did not have time to respond. WHAT A GREAT and empowering word you have for this year. It forces you to look beyond your circle and embrace the word....yes!

  13. Your post reads like a poem, Jaana. It's beautiful Discover is a wonderful word to focus on throughout the year and it sounds like you are doing amazing things with your OLW. Mine is kind and I think that my family is appreciating that--maybe I'll write about it one day before April...Lovely post!

    1. You were so kind to me when we met the other day! Your OLW is living its life through you!

  14. You encourage people to write abut their OLW. I will, a bit later. I would like to encourage you to write a post with pictures about your art journal. Please share, pretty please.

    1. It is in the plans:)) Something just seems to happen to that plan....

  15. My OLW is savor. I love discover - can't wait to hear more about your word. In order to not arrive at the end of the year and not remember my word (happened last year), I've set aside 5th Tuesdays as check-in days this year. That way if I haven't connected with my word in awhile, I have a date with it to get reacquainted. I wrote about it here - http://pleasuresfromthepage.blogspot.com/2014/01/seasonal-olw-intentions.html

    1. Savor is a wonderful word! 5th Tuesdays for OLW is a great idea!


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