Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My OLW 2015

For the last few weeks I have been pondering my 2015 One Little Word.  Then the last couple of weeks I have been reading blog posts about words that others have chosen for this year. My word was silent. It did not even whisper. I had no sense or feeling what my word for 2015 was going to be. Perhaps there was something wrong with my ears. No. I checked. Hearing was fine, only the input was missing.

What was happening?

I wanted a new word!! A great word! A word that would really make a difference for this year. A word that I could be proud of. You know what I mean? I was imagining how this new word was going to impact me and those around me this year. Something to really write about. Not just in January, but all throughout the year. Maybe a word with a great story about how it came to be. You know these stories. You have read them too.

I started wondering if the problem was that I was not willing to listen what I was hearing?

Unmute the sound.

Increase the volume.

Make sure the sound is clear, and then, listen again.

I did.

And I heard very clearly!

You might wonder why would I fight against such a great word...Well, you see, this was my word for last year! 

This is what I set out to do last year. I was so ready. I was willing to discover the unknown; make a difference. Somewhere along the last 12 months, however, I lost focus. Mundane things overtook and discovery became secondary. 

I think it is time for a rerun!

So, I am going to discover something new this year! Actually, not just something new, but many things.The world is full of possibilities. 

There are books to read, places to visit, and people to meet. There are new things to try and old things to re-discover. There are challenges to face that need new discoveries in order to overcome them. There is learning that needs to take place so that I can discover new knowledge more deeply. There is more writing that is slowly wanting to be discovered. 

I am excited! My OLW might be a rerun, but the discoveries that will be made this year will be brand new!


  1. Discover is a great word. No one says you can't have a word rerun, either. So go for it. Looking forward to all your discoveries!

  2. I love that your word is a "rerun"!! Your description of the word being "silent" really spoke to me too! I totally get that! Can't wait to read about your discoveries this year!

    1. Feel free to remind me in case I might lose my focus.....

  3. BRAVO Jaana. DISCOVERY!!!!! that could be my lifetime word!

  4. An excellent OLW. I hope you are keeping a list of all the things you discover this year.

    1. Great idea! I really do need to start a list.

  5. Discover is such a great word and definitely merits more than a year. There are so many things out there to discover. May you have a wonderful year of discovery.

    I totally understand how that OLW can elude for so long and then all of a sudden there it is.

    1. I had a great time sharing OLW with my students. Most of them have their own words as well!

  6. I love how you wrote about how you could't hear your word. You captured that seeking feeling so perfectly. How brave and honest of you to have a redo! I can't wait to read about what you discover along the way....

    1. Thank you Dana! Not sure that I feel very brave right now, but let's see in a few months!

  7. Sometimes, an OLW is just worth hanging on to,. Here's to a new year of discover!

  8. So many times I want to rewind and do things over. Using your OLW is an excellent way to this. Here's to discover 2015!

  9. Bold and fun word. I like the OLW stories. I am glad you tuned in, accepted your word and now you are excited.

    1. Acceptance. Great observation Terje. I had not thought of it that way!

  10. Enjoy your discover journey this year, building off of last year. I noticed a significant shift when I started taking Ali Edward's OLW class as far as being able to keep my word present throughout the year and increasing my level of reflection. In case you are interested, here is the link: http://aliedwards.com/shop/classes/one-little-word

    1. I signed up, but unfortunately lost focus. I believe this year will be different!

  11. A great word and so much to look forward to. Can't wait to hear about all your discoveries during 2015.

    1. I'm ready for new things and new discoveries!

  12. I don't think you should worry about a re-run, sounds marvelous to me, Jaana. Enjoy every bit of this new year of discoveries!

  13. No one says it can't be more than a year-it's a !continuation! I love it! I think it suits you because I can tell how excited you are about it! Hope it's all you need for inspiring new things this year.

    1. Thanks Amy! Wondering if a snow day might be coming this week as an inspiration??/

  14. How interesting that you did not discover your word right away ... it was just waiting there for you to discover! I love that you are focusing on discoveries this year. I also love the idea of starting a journal -- almost like a thankful journal, but a discovery from each day!

    1. Discovery from each day??? That sounds very interesting. Not sure I am up to keeping a journal every day, but perhaps a weekly discovery list. Thanks for the idea Michelle!


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