March 6, 2013 is the World Read Aloud Day.
Celebrate by reading aloud, giving away a book, or taking action in any way you can to Read It Forward on behalf of the 793 million people who cannot read. (by LitWorld)
Literacy is the foundation for emotional and physical well-being, intellectual growth, and economic security. The right to read and write is a fundamental human right and belongs to all people. (by LitWorld)
When I was learning how to read, all through high school, and leaving my home country to go overseas, I never thought literacy as a human right. But now, after teaching ELL/ESL students for over 15 years, I can truly say that I believe it is fundamental human right.
That is why we are celebrating World Read Aloud Day on Wednesday! I know many of you might do this with your elementary students, I however, am doing it with my high school sheltered English students. We will be reading aloud from the independent reading books that we are currently reading, from a favorite story book or magazine. I will be reading our class read aloud a little bit longer on Wednesday.
We will be celebrating the fact that we can all read English! In all of our lives, this has not always been true. We are celebrating the fact that in this country we have the right to learn how to read and write; no matter what gender or ethnicity we are. We are celebrating that we are literate--no longer part of the 793 million people who are still illiterate. We are celebrating the power of written word.
Have you made plans for the World read Aloud Day?
If you would like to read The 2012 Global Poem for Change, you can find it here.

This is an important commitment that has probably taken a lot of hits in this current race to the test climate.
ReplyDeleteSo Jaana I applaud your conviction literacy is a human right.
This is the first year that World Read Aloud Day has entered my radar. Being it is also on my birthday, I thought it quite a moment. I love reading, reading aloud, and being read to! We're making necklaces with the logo for our kindergarten buddies and taking our favorite Mo Willem books down to their class to read aloud. Simple way to recognize a big thing!
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding me about this day of celebration. I love how you celebrate with your high school students. And I agree that literacy is a human right.
ReplyDeleteLet your room be filled with wonderful words!
ReplyDeleteThis made me smile!
ReplyDeleteHooray hooray for you...and for the power of the read aloud!
ReplyDeleteI try to convince my students that literacy is a right that they should treasure and not let people take away from them. Gary Paulsen has some wonderful books and quotes on the power of literacy. Some of my most resistant readers stop and think when they ready NightJohn and ask why anyone would be willing to risk and sacrifice so much just to learn to read and write. I'm excited to share WRAD with my students this year. Even as 8th graders, they love it.
ReplyDeleteI am working on a new sixth grade social studies curriculum and one of the essential questions is about children and human rights because I want our privileged children to understand how privileged they are. I love your post and your reminder of the struggles that are out there for aspects of life that we all enjoy. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI love reading aloud, but it sometimes gets pushed to the back burner. Thanks for reminding me to bring it forward, especially on Read Aloud Day.