Monday, March 19, 2012

Perfect Mate...for my daughter

Slice of Life #19

I have been preparing and planning for my Romeo and Juliet lessons for the week. Like many other teachers, my goal is for my students to write an essay on the topic: My Perfect Mate. With my this years students, I am sure I will get to read some very interesting essays.
Today, however, as I was reading my assignment again, I started thinking about what I would like to see in my daughter's future spouse. Here are my thoughts:

  • Eye color, hair color, no hair, tons of hair--I could not care less
  • Loving God--I care a lot about this
  • Funny
  • Understands Europeans' sense of humor
  • Committed
  • Loves my daughter with his whole heart
  • Knows how to ask and give forgiveness
  • Hospitable
  • Likes to watch Jeopardy and NCIS (for purely selfish reasons)
  • Great cook (you know, I am already getting ready for the family get togethers that does not require me to cook)
  • Knows the value of money (meaning: saves, saves, and then spends a little bit)
  • Likes the outdoor and loves to travel
  • Romantic
  • Creative
  • Sensitive
  • Understands the value of gifts (I am not talking about gifts for me....)
  • Loves children
As I am writing this list, I am not sure if I am writing what I would like to see in my daughter's future spouse, or in MY future spouse???? Maybe I have to work harder on creating a list for my daughter (and not me)!!


  1. Funny ending...and the funny thing is, as I was reading it, I was thinking sort of sounds the person I would like...I was with you after the first two things on the list

  2. Great list, think he's out there? Love NCIS (Mark Harmon, what a hottie). But the most important is he loves you/her with all his heart.

  3. This post made me smile. Do you write with your students? While reading, I was thinking about Penny Kittle talking about mentors of process. Your whole thought process here would be so valuable for your students to see as they think about their own list. I especially loved your wonderings about who the list was really for.

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words!!! And for your many comments! I do treasure comments! I also love how Penny Kittle talks about writing--I was lucky to attend one of her workshops. I should put her book on my shelfari......


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